2019 Peloton Ride-One Great Ride

This past Saturday September 14th was the host of the 2019 Peloton Ride, an all-new annual cycling event.

Like all good events, it had a purpose: To raise funds and awareness for Men’s Mental Health.

After the death by suicide of a close friend and partner, a group of cyclists were inspired to shed light on the rising number of suicide deaths in middle-aged men. The unfortunate truth is that men can hide their struggles well. This ride sparks the conversation needed to encourage change in society, to recognize, discuss and accept mental health challenges and suicide ideation in men.

“By helping these men, we are also supporting the women in their lives, their children, families, friends and business partners.”

The Humberview Group is proud to be a major sponsor of this ride, in partnership with Gears Electric. Other sponsors include Trillium Health Partners and Badges of Life Canada.