HG Drives Out Hunger

HG Drives Out Hunger

2020 has certainly been a year to remember. Since the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic that began early last Spring, our communities, our country and the world has had to quickly adapt to a “new normal.” What did this “new normal” mean? Some of the most notable adjustments included limiting interaction with people outside immediate social circles and adjusting how businesses operate, to help minimize the spread of the virus.

As a result of COVID-19 and the respective safety restrictions put into place, Ontario has seen a rise in unemployment, permanent business closures and ultimately, an increased loss of family income. Unfortunately, these outcomes mean that more families are now relying on the support of their communities for day-to-day help.

In 2019, food banks across Ontario were already seeing a rise in usage from previous years at a rate of about 5.3%. According to a report from Feed Ontario, “Ontario’s food banks saw a 26% increase in first-time visitors between March and June 2020.” And as the pandemic continues, the numbers for both first-time and repeat visitors will grow.

How The Humberview Group will Help

Although the automotive industry has also had to adjust how we operate day-to-day, at HG, we recognize the fortunate position we are in. Not only can we continue to provide essential automotive services to our communities, but we can also continue to provide our amazing team members with the opportunity to work and support their families.

As a result, we want to help support our communities we serve. The Humberview Group has launched a group-wide initiative: HG Drives Out Hunger. Each of our dealerships across the group has placed a vehicle in their showrooms, where our team members can drop off non-perishable food items. Our goal is to completely fill each of these vehicles with food items. The collection runs from December 7th – 21st, and each of our locations will donate the collections to a food bank in their local community.

We’re all in this together, and it’s important to help support each other – especially during this difficult time.

Learn More

If you’d like to see our progress so far, visit our Facebook and Instagram pages.

If you’d like to support our goal, we invite you to bring non-perishable food items to any of our dealership locations. After speaking with several local food banks, we have created a list of most-needed food bank items.

  • Baby food and formula
  • Peanut butter
  • Canned fish and meat
  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Rice, grains, lentils, beans
  • Dried pasta
  • Pasta sauce and canned tomatoes (whole or crushed)
  • Cans of soup and stew
  • Powdered, canned and Tetra Pak milk

We thank you all for your continued support and as always, we look forward to serving you better, each and every day.

Organizations your donations will support

All donations will go towards supporting the following organizations:

Feel free to visit their websites and see how you can donate individually if you would like to do that instead.